Saturday, April 6, 2013

The of the week Letter "L"

Day 1

Ya know how they say practice makes perfect? Well it is so true with little guys! I feel so horrible because it snowed and I have been too grouchy or "too busy" to do school with Malachi. He loves to learn but he forgot how to write his name. Yikes! I am unsure if he simply forgot how to write his name or if he was simply not able to concentrate.  Sometimes obviously people just don't like to listen, so it could be that too.  So know we have to try to get on a better schedule of me working with him with his numbers shapes and letters. 

To start with the letter L, the first thing that we did was to write in a coloring book for pre-k that I purchased at Wal-Mart was began with capital L. Then a few days later we did this project together!

Before I told Malachi to sit for this project I had a peace of paper that I drew the letter L and then wrote at the bottom... Name:______________

Next I pulled off some silk flowers leaves, had some lady bug stickers that were given to us and some sweet leopard skin border self adhesive tape for scrapbooking that my lovely sister in law gave to me.  (I think she got at at hobby lobby) You can do what ever you want! I already had the stickers and and leaves so why spend money on something if you already have it.

I had some issues getting the self adhesive and the backing to come off but eventually I was able to do so and had my son put down the outside of the letter.
Next I did this part on my own. I had a hot glue gun and then put the leaves on the paper. MJ calls the hot glue gun the gunner glue hot, super cute! There are only a few things he doesn't say correctly and I am okay with that. Especially how he says the color yellow.... lellow... it makes me HAPPY!
We have been working on following directions and I ask MJ to please choose 4 lady bug stickers and put one on each leaf. I was really impressed, he did a great job of listening and finishing the project.
And then came his breakdown of learning the hard way that practice makes perfect. He was able to write an M but that was it. He had been super excited because he learned how to write his name and he was doing it every time were outside with sidewalk chalk and on every piece of paper that he could find. Now that I think about it.... It might not be my fault or the mixture of not writing in so long on paper or the fact that I had made a Name:______________________ area which he has never had to write his name so small before on. I guess I will never know. Oh well.  So from that point on I told him it was fine and I would help him by giving him his name spelled out with dot to dot for each letter. Much better!

 Now for a bit of comic relief at least for me. Both boys were up and that has been another reason why we haven't done "school" One boy is going to be 4 in August and the other 2 in May. My sweet little 23 month old loves to take what ever the 3 1/2 year old is doing and destroy it.... then the 3 1/2 screams and starts to bang on the ground, chair, bed, himself or wherever.
So I thought.... that I could give Josiah a piece of paper and his name on it and let him go to town on it while Malachi and I would be working on "L."

 You would think that he would be super proud of this and want his picture taken but NO instead he had a epic melt down!

 Malachi was finishing the letter L and now really wanted to color just like his baby brother... ?

 After he was done the brothers went on to the marble set that C and J gave to them before their big move. So thankful for that because the could play with that for hours and then put it away for 30 minutes and then be ready to build again and again!

Here is the final product!

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