Saturday, April 13, 2013

Nest HELPER!!!!

Help the birdies make beautiful NESTS!  I found this in a on pinterest and thought since my boys love looking at a the birds eating seeds out of the bird house with bird seed in it so they would love to do this! We had bought some clementines and thought a perfect way to reuse something that normally would get thrown away. First off I put a twist tie around the top and then the bread closuer thing to make sure it was sealed. Now we never cut a hole we just rip open the bag so I had to "sew" up the side where we tore into the bag and also where I had a hard time getting the of the label. So once that was done I was ready to have some help from my little ones.

My sweet little ALMOST two year old was much more interested in helping me then the 3 1/2 year old until we went outside. I had some yarn from old knitting projects that I had given up on instead of throwing them away  I had fun with my scissors. ; D
Also I had  few dryer lints piled up because I knew were going to do this project soon so we used some pieces of old coloring sheets that my little helper had torn to sheds and twigs from outside.

My little helper simply put in one by one each item to start with and toward the end the clumps got bigger and bigger! Next you have to grab the yarn and the little chunks of the lint so that it is hanging out of the holes so the bird can retrieve them easier.
It is time to go outside!!!!!  I gathered a whole bunch of little twigs and let the boys put them in where ever they wanted.

I wanted the birds to be able to find "The Nest Helper" so I placed it near the bird feeder. I took so ribbon and tie to the wood threw the loop in the bag.

After day one nearly all the sticks were gone and several pieces of yarn where gone too! Not sure if we will find any nest with our bright blue and teal yarn in them but it was a fun and  easy project we could do with out spending any extra money and we were able to reuse the product that normally goes into the trash!
On a nice spring day I love the excuse to be outside. And were out and about for the majority of the day after that 20 minute project.
We may take it down and add some thin ribbon and more twigs just for another excuse to be outside!

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