Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Letter L Day 2

So now that we now that the letter L has only two lines we decided to make the letter out of popsicle sticks! Long line down and little line across bottom. 

We started with the letter then we had traced it and connected the dots. Towards the end he was confidant enough to do it on his own. We also thought of lots of fun things that start with the Letter L. 

I also decided draw a heart and put inside of the heart a verse from the bible. I use a word such as LOVE and the Letter L with a connect the dots and had everything else spelled out. Malachi then wanted to trace the heart. I had written LOVE and four little heart stickers and was going to have my son tell me the verses that have love in them. He did a great job! He would put down a sticker and then I would ask him what the verse was and then he would tell me.

Now after this project my son, Josiah woke up from his nap, so I decided to distract him with coloring page while Malachi and I finished this project. You can probably tell that Josiah flew threw that coloring book as fast as he could and then was sitting right next to his brother! Luckily this time we were a little more rested and not as grumpy the other post on the letter L. On this project we had some stickers and a leaf. First I drew a Letter L on the paper with a block letter. Now I had ____adybug,  _____eaf, ____ion, _____amb and then I had my son write L in the blank spot. Then I would give him the sticker of the item he had just had written. I plucked a silk flower leaf and both the boys helped tape it on the paper. Malachi was willing to share with his brother and nothing makes a Mama happier then seeing them work together and encouraging each other by saying, "Good job brother!" or "Nice work!" instead of whining with words like "mine" and other silliness. Also Josiah had to have "Pa Grape" from the Veggie Tales "the Pirate's Who Don't Do Anything" in his hand or close by him at all times!
Sure do love my boys even when they aren't happy when I take their picture's, but especially when they really want me to take them!

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