Saturday, March 23, 2013

Growing VEGGIES!!!!!!!! Part 1

It is SPRING time!!!!!!!!! 

  I am so excited for spring! The Reeser clan has decided to have a vegetable garden this year. We will grow broccoli, Roma tomatoes, bell peppers, banana peppers, carrots, corn, green beans and sweet peas, and cascabella peppers.  We will also have a  mini herb garden with basil, cilantro and oregano.  We may have to replant our blue berries and strawberries, also.... but maybe they we will wait until next year.
  Last year we had our blueberries and strawberries in the back of our garage so we had to manually water them with a pitcher, it would not be that big of a deal expect it we one of the hottest summers in Kansas, well like EVER 110 for about a month. Yikes! So we changed the location of the garden and moved it by the other things that we water normally.
  We had some changes to our yard and needed something to do in the space so why not put a garden inside it?
  First what we did is planned out the size that we wanted the garden to be. We wanted to have a cinder blocks for the outside border so that we can have the herb in the slots. After that we put down left over wood from the many construction projects we have done. (It is nice to recycle those items.) Now it is time to bring in the dirt!!!! Winfield has it plus's and it negatives, but one of it super cool things is that there is a compost site that takes your grass trimming, raked up leaves, and tree limbs. Also, the best thing is that the compost if free if you live in Winfield and they also have free mulch from the tree limbs. So we grabbed our trash cans (we don't have a truck) and put them in the trunk and filled up the trash cans about 5 times so in total we had 10 trash cans filled with free compost. I was very excited to have that done.
  Since spring was creeping up on us on the 3rd week of March I took the seeds and found the ones that need to be planted in the little de-compsoable containers inside for about 6-8 weeks. And out of the ones that we had picked, I need to have the tomatoes, all the peppers, and broccoli.  So I had my sweet little helpers fill the container with the dirt will I put the seeds in and marked them with a sharpie.
  We really don't have an area that we can have the plants out without little hand getting in to them. The one room that my little munchkins are rarely in is the spare bedroom. So I pulled back the curtains, put a tarp over the bed and bought the things for your indoor plants so that the water doesn't go every where. It seems to be doing really well! After about 5 days broccoli is my new favorite because it sprouted first!

Stay tuned to see if broccoli is still my one my favorites!


  1. Looking forward to the fruit of your effort!

  2. Me too!!!!
    P.S. The roma tomatoes have started to germinate as well!
